Great question. Being discerning with regards to your food choices is something that benefits everyone. Regardless if you need to shed any excess fat or are just looking to adjust to a generally healthier lifestyle, the beginning of a new year is a great time to do it. It is probably really a time to take stock of where you are right now and what action or inaction has gotten you to this point.
I know for myself that from about November onwards party season starts and most of us including me end up eating more of the foods we should probably only have sometimes. Because we often eat with more company at this time portion sizes also creep upwards. Add to that just an extra day of having an alcoholic beverage per week and the recipe for adding to our waistline is perfect.
This is how it happened to so many people I have spoken to. They have gained some extra body fat and didn’t realize it was happening. One season the clothes get a little tighter, they got used to it as being normal just like the increased portion sizes feel ‘normal’. The year passes and the weight stays. Next year the cycle repeats. Before long 10 or more kg have been added to the frame.
For me to commit 4 – 6 Weeks each year to re calibrate my portion sizes, have a total break from the few alcoholic beverages I do consume and clean up my eating is absolutely worth it. The beauty about this program is that it has a detoxifying effect as well as assists in adjusting portion sizes back to where they should be. I never go hungry, I just have a new sense of well being with a lot of energy that comes from clean eating.