Welcome to my
personal training page

I work locally, from my own studio – face to face.

As you can see in the caption on the left training is about commitment and giving the best you can on the day. 

For a conversation with regards to finding a good fit please contact me directly via phone.  

Why me?

The best one-on-one training experience

With 15+ years of experience in the fitness and Personal training industry as well as an equal number of years in catering and hospitality I offer personalized real world training tailored to your specific needs.

I have always seen myself as that person who thinks outside the box which has brought me several clients with some incredible challenges.... from crippling conditions to very advanced age. working with these clients has given me a great perspective in terms of what is possible when you bring the desire to improve.

Holistic approach

With my experience and passion also for healthy living you will find in me a wealth of information on how to optimise your wellbeing

The body speaks

We all have 'stuff' going on in our bodies as we are getting older.... the little ache here or there, the painful arms and hands at night, the sore feet. This is our body giving us the message that we need to pay attention and if we want to keep having great vitality we better do something about it.

The space

My space is private and semi - outdoors where fresh air is abundant without the sun burning down on you. We train barefoot since we were born without shoes. Our feet give us important feedback in regards to where we are in space and how our body works.




All the mobility in the world will not serve anything if the muscles that operate the joints are not giving and allowing the joint to move fully.



As we age we lose muscle mass, and with that strength.
So the other part of getting on the floor and back up is to do with strength. Even if you have adequate mobility, if you don't have the strength to push yourself off the floor you will be in the same boat as the person who has lost their mobility.
And with strength comes conditioning... not without work though.
Loss of strength can lead to increased incidences of falling.

Everything worth achieving is on the other side of comfortable

Talk to me

Have any questions? 

I am always open to talk about your training needs, fitness goals and how I can help you.