What led me to study Quantum Human Design

Quantum Human Design – what is it? Let’s start with Human Design first- in my own words. This is a system which, based on your birth date, time and place will show you the energy influences which have taken place at the point of your birth. These influences will continue to be guiding forces for …

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Quantum Human Design – what is it?
Let’s start with Human Design first- in my own words. This is a system which, based on your birth date, time and place will show you the energy influences which have taken place at the point of your birth. These influences will continue to be guiding forces for your time on this earth. The information is drawn from several different teachings – namely Astrology, the Jewish Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, The Chinese I-Ching and Quantum Physics.
Quantum Human Design is bringing the language to express any of the human design themes presented in your chart to their highest vibration. This in turn will help you express your life purpose to its highest potential.

In Karen Curry Parker’s words:
“Quantum Design is often called the “New Astrology,” and the “intersection of science and spirituality.” Your Quantum Human Design Chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and location – giving you specific information about your life path, your style of working, your relationship blueprint, how you experience energy in the world, and most importantly, how to create a truly meaningful and authentic life.”*

I came upon these teachings through discussions with my daughter. The idea that I can unlock my highest potential, as well as unlock some of the mysteries of my character, behaviour patterns and past reactions to events (that didn’t or did go well) really appealed to me. Having a mindset of continuous improvement and growth I could see the potential of what this could do for anyone wondering about how they can optimize their life purpose as well as overcoming roadblocks and uncertainties.
If this is something that resonates with you I invite you to come on this journey with me.
You will find that you will make more aligned decisions that feel good, and that you have the tools to make your life run smoother. By understanding yourself better you will understand others better as well, leading to better relationships not only with them, but yourself as well.

*’Introduction to Quantum Human Design’, by Karen Curry Parker