Welcome to my
Human Design for Health

Human design offers a road map on how to optimally  live out the themes that are making up your life.

It can help….

  • Create better health and wellness
  • Achieve higher states of vitality – which can lead to …

  1.  finding more meaning in life
  2.  deeper and more fulfilling relationships 
  3.  understanding yourself and those around you better

 Get your free chart below.    

Check out what led me to studying Human Design here

General Human Design Readings

  • help unlock those roadblocks around health and fitness.

Sacral Sessions

  • get in touch with how your body speaks to you and intuitively guides you as to what is right for you

….Or learn a little more for yourself here.

“My mission is to guide you through the maze of too much information and too many options which all lead to confusion and inaction. 

My studies in Human Design will be integral in your journey in taking ownership of this process and making the decisions that are right and specifically aligned to you.

As you learn to tune into your body’s wisdom, you will find the unconscious urge to sabotage your goals will slowly fade into the background. This in turn will begin to provide you much greater clarity in what you really want to achieve, and the freedom and confidence in moving forward.”

Talk to me

Have any questions? I am always open to talk about your health, wellness, Human Design or training needs and how I can help you.