It’s not about the kettlebell

Many times when I talk about training and kettlebells people must think of high intensity – have to be super strong and super fit- and/or injuries by kettlebells. I hear it often. Possibly because of the number of people using then without proper instruction and technique. It is understandable that there is an element of …

It’s not about the kettlebell Read More »

Many times when I talk about training and kettlebells people must think of high intensity – have to be super strong and super fit- and/or injuries by kettlebells. I hear it often. Possibly because of the number of people using then without proper instruction and technique. It is understandable that there is an element of fear associated to kettlebells. I like to help you understand that training with kettlebells is not actually about the bells themselves but rather about the training effect they create.

Using a kettlebell as a training tool brings a lot of responsibility. A kettlebell isn’t just any old weight and therefore should not be used as that. Because of its unique offset center of gravity it can affect the body in a completely different way to any dumbbell, bar or machine.

Secondly, to really maximize the benefits of training with kettlebells it is critical to have a good instructor that can work with your particular needs and knows what is appropriate and when. The other important factor for the instructor is to know and use the correct introductory drills so that when you, the customer, picks up a bell for the first time you feel confident that you can do what is required. This can be at either an advanced or the very beginner’s level. So next time you hear about kettlebell training find out more about how they are being used by the trainer you might be looking to train with so you can make an educated decision as to the results you are looking for with your training.

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