
Nov 3, 2023
Sigrun meets you where you are at. I appreciate Sigrun’s style of teaching which is both encouraging and honest.
Sigrun provides a balanced program focused on your needs and is the opposite of trainers that have a fixed program. Sigrun listens to your thoughts and blends this with her knowledge to get the best result for you!
Follow Sigrun’s motto of Turn up, be here and don’t quit and you will see your results both physically and mentally.
I am proud to call Sigrun not only my exercise guru but my friend.

I have been training at the Health Wellness Lifestyle Studio, owned by Sigrun Bishop for nearly a year. During that time Sigrun has managed to help me lose weight, healing parts of my body and making them stronger to use. Some of these areas were due to old injuries.
I have found her gym and training techniques very beneficial, in softening all areas and being able to bend and move again, as it was difficult at some point. The techniques are hard but soothing and refreshing for your muscles. I have found comfort from stress in these and can move around more easily, whereas before everything was tighter.
Breathing exercises, Sigrun has shown me, to help with the exercises, and this is very helpful for the mind as well. The routine training has guided me with my activities, to become keener and knowing the parts of the body, which I wasn’t using during my own exercises. Now I combine these and work on these areas.
I have learnt to eat the correct foods and how you should look at nutrition, by way of eating and mostly knowing what to eat. By sitting down and showing me the correct foods, recipes to start with, it has been a huge improvement with what I was eating.
Sigrun has taken time out to show me things in her kitchen and around the food store, showing me what foods contain things {ingredients} what is good and bad for you.
The challenge is always there with a food journal and checking on what you are doing at home. With healthy eating, doing these exercises has improved my health so much.
I feel like I am able to jump on my other activities and give them all my effort, having more energy to give. Learning to eat and drink water correctly, has been biggest on my list, finding out at the things which I didn’t know and now I do practicing them everyday.
Health Wellness Lifestyle Studio has taught me the correct way to use weights, kettlebells and do these exercises, without this help and knowledge I would struggle to know the correct way
of handling this equipment.
By encouraging the people she trains puts us back to being able to have so much more healthy ways and to benefit from being more confident and able in our lives.
I thoroughly recommend her ways she teaches and the healthy lifestyles she promotes. I have lost my weight through listening and training at her studio and feel so much better in myself.

Hi Sigrun,
Just a write up of the time, training and results from your program. I started this program because I wanted to lose weight and tone up for my wedding. I commenced the program in January 2016 and continue it to date.
Habits prior to commencement
· Eating a lot of take away/ easy foods (frozen pies, frozen fish etc.)
· Size portions of the meals were probably twice the size that I should be eating
· Quick eating habits – not chewing thoroughly
· Not eating breakfast
· Drinking beer nearly every night
· Drinking energy drinks (V, Red Bull)
· Inconsistent training
My Starting weight and measurements
· Weight – 82kg
· Waist – 92cm
· Hips – 98.5cm
I did not realise how much weight I was carrying. I always assumed that it was just a beer belly and that my eating habits were not great but also not impacting too much on my weight. With you, I commenced the health point program to adjust my eating habits so I could lose some weight and look good in my wedding photos. During this time we also commenced the 10,000 swing challenge. This helped me greatly as it kept my focus on my eating habits and ensured that I exercised daily.
Short term goals I have achieved during January & February
· Weight under 75kg
· Increased fitness levels – this was measured by the 10,000 swing challenge – 15sec work/ 15sec rest. At the start I could only go approx. 6 min without having to stop and catch my breath. At the end of the challenge I managed to go for 15 and a half minutes without a break
· Reduction of drinking alcohol – The diet and exercise kept me focused on what I wanted.
During the course of the program the Emails that you sent to me every morning have help me out as well as gave me some good information on the ways not to fall back into bad habits.
My current weight and measurements. As of the 29/02/2016
· Weight – 71kg
· Waist – 83.5cm
· Hips – 98.5cm
This program has really helped me to turn my way of thinking around and proved to myself that I can lose weight and control my habits.
Thank you,

I had been looking for years to find someone that could help me regain some of my health and fitness but had not found anyone that could help me. Standard Personal Trainers at the gyms found it difficult to think outside the box and cater for my needs and I was no different.
The problem was that I have had two (2) total knee replacements and my range of motion was no longer what could be classed as ‘normal’. The exercises that would normally be given come from the legs, I could not do most of these exercises. For example where most people could ride the exercise bike as part of the warmup process I can not. It is physically not possible, so the PTs found it difficult to cater for me, could not move away from the conventional.
A mutual friend told my partner and myself about this PT that she was using, and spoke very highly of her. My partner decided to go some of the session and would come home and tell me about them. Soon I was intrigued and went along to the session. This is when I met Sigrun, who throughout the session would just pop out these alternative exercises so that I could keep on working with the class.
After only a couple of session I found myself feeling stronger and able to get up off the ground with so much ease. My session with Sigrun were cut short when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, as a result I had a Bi Lateral Mastectomy.
Recovery has taken some time and now almost 10 months later I am about to go for a Trans Abdominal Breast Reconstruction. I know that this surgery will be a long one and the recovery will be even longer. I wanted to be fit and healthy, giving myself the best start to a quicker recovery. I know exactly who could help me get the best results in a short amount of time, Sigrun. I have not been disappointed.
In three weeks I have lost 5kg but more importantly I feel amazing. I am feeling stronger, more flexible in my whole body not just my knees and I have so much more energy.
I find Sigrun’s holistic approach reassuring. Her knowledge of the body and how each muscle works, and the different ways to work that muscle is outstanding. She ‘understands’ the body and body system and how it works. I am constantly in awe of her knowledge and ability to transfer this knowledge to me in a way that I can quickly and easily digest this information and put it into action immediately.
Her methods are undeniably superior to any that I have come across. Sigrun is also working with me to develop an exercises that I can do after surgery to assist in my recovery. We are also making plans for when I am able to return to PT sessions.