One of my ‘bugbears’ has been for a long time that I find it very hard to do an easy natural bodyweight squat. Years of gymnastics where I ran on my toes for everything I did has possibly contributed to very tight ankles. Where I grew up in Germany no one sat on the floor because it was always too cold. We were always encouraged to sit on chairs or at least a stool to keep warm. That meant that our ‘floor time’ was probably less than in countries where it is warmer. As well as that under floor heating was not common in those days. I know that some people have longer Achilles tendons and their calf muscles and ankle joints are not as tight, but surely that can’t have too much influence on the ability to squat naturally.
I look at my grandson and his mum now and how they squat. I think that I should have always been able to squat like them.
My daughter-in-law is from Korea where the culture is very floor orientated. Under floor heating is very common so it is healthy to be on the ground. My grandson is just a little kid doing what kids do. since I was that kid too a long time ago, I must have been able to squat like him as well.
My journey now is to reclaim this natural squat.
Oh what challenges present themselves.
Tight ankles, tight hips, tight lower legs and possibly even a faulty movement pattern.
So I set myself a challenge to do a little every day. This ‘little’ has to be so small that I have no excuse like time, too hard, don’t have space, not at home or whatever not to do it. I started with 20 squats every day as well as 5 push ups and 1 pull up (I want to increase my pull up strength) TWICE a day. I can do 20 squats while I am waiting for the jug to boil. The push ups fit in while the coffee is brewing and the pull up is in the door frame to the bathroom. I have also become much more mindful to how I am moving, opportunities to stretch my calf muscles and circling my ankles. Some self massage is fitted in while I might be sitting with my husband, he is watching TV and I am rolling muscles or massaging.
Now not everybody can start with push ups on the floor and full pull ups or even unsupported deep squats, especially if you haven’t done any exercise at all. There is no reason though not to start somewhere easier at your appropriate level which could be pushing up against the wall, kitchen bench or the like, pulling up horizontally or even at a 45 degree angle. squats can be done supported holding on to a doorway or something else. The key is to feel good after and not sore the next day.
What this is meaning for me is that now after doing these few exercises for 5 weeks every day I can do much smoother squats and my strength in the other areas has increased as well.
I must admit I got keen and added an extra push up and some kick stance squats every week since the goal is to keep progressing. Eventually I could add an extra pull up. My squats are looking and feeling much better as well. But this happened because I did the small things, EVERY DAY TWICE.
No excuse.
Did them in the bathroom before my shower at night. I went to bed feeling good that night just for knowing that I didn’t quit on myself.
So whatever your ‘thing” is, think of the power of the little efforts done every day and you can better yourself.